Sunday, November 7, 2010


1. 《全人》将售卖大会全套的录影,好让更多无法参加此研讨会的弟兄姐妹或教会购买重温,售卖的盈余将投入“7979急难救助金”。

2. 明年2011年,文桥将为大会出版2000本的研讨会文集,内容包含主题、合一早会、关怀专题、创新策略及工作坊的讲员分享(文桥有最后的定夺权)。出版此文集的目的是要将研讨会的精华变成文字,使更多人可以从中获益。

3. 举办合一关怀标志设计比赛,于2011年3月31日截止,由筹委决定得奖的设计,再委托设计师完成T-shirt或外套的其他设计,2011年推出此产品。此比赛的目的是为了制作含有合一关怀标志的外套,以动员华人基督徒在服务社区,救助急难及回应灾难的行动时更体现合一,更高举基督,更心动行动。

4. 大会决定把赞助关怀同工参加研讨会所剩余的钱来购买整套的大会录影DVD(约44套),在明年拜访关怀机构、同工或邮寄方式送给他们。

5. 于今年结束前,主席将委任各区域推广及联络人,并在明年分成7次拜访不同区域的联络人,与他们分享创新策略的推展近况,并委托他们推广合一关怀T-shirt、文集、大会DVD的售卖。

6. 在研讨会时所推介的3个创新策略,各获得不错的回应:

6.1 7979全人关怀站

许多教会牧者邀请《全人》前往教会分享这模式,目前有7间教会发出此邀请。 其他出席研讨会的弟兄姐妹也答应把这模式带回教会,与教会牧者领袖分享,考虑加入此行列。 神也赐下许多这事工所需要的资源,包括有一位适合加入成为同工的人选,有弟兄愿意为我们设计网站,在网上为7979宣传及推广连结的事,一位姐妹愿意为我们设计合一关怀外套或T-恤。此外,一位弟兄听了这事工的分享后,愿意赞助2位同工去台湾受训的机票钱。

6.2 大马餐馆福音团契


6.3 圣诞儿礼透过Samaritan Purse 的代表Rev Bill Klear过去一年分享及连接本地异象持有者的努力,祈望在来年能成立大马全国领袖团队来执行圣诞儿礼的事工。研讨会期间Bill Klear牧师用心地以华语分享此透过当地教会派发来自遥远礼物给贫穷孩子的运动,祈望华人教会愿意透过派送圣诞礼物将爱与福音一起传送到大马最大的福音未得之民手上。此崭新的事工有待即将成立的全国领袖团队于2011年落实在大马这片土地上。

1. HISTEAM will sell the full set DVD and CD of conference messages so that brothers and sisters or churches who do not attend the conference can purchase and listen to the good message delivered by various speakers. All profit gains will be channelled to 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund.

2. Next year, The Bridge Communication will publish 2000 copies of book, a collection of conference messages which comprise of theme talks, morning devotion, plenary sessions, creative strategies and workshops so that the essence of the conference will be recorded in words to benefit more people. (The final content of the book will be decided by The Bridge Communication).

3. The “Care in unity” logo design competition is due 31st Mac 2011. Final result will be determined by organizing committee, then we will entrust designer to design T-shirt/vest using the logo designed by the winner. We will launch the product next year. The aim of this competition is to produce T-shirt/vest for Chinese Christians to put on when they are serving their community, helping in disaster relief work or any crisis intervention assistance in order to embody unity, to exalt the name of Christ and more compassionate in their action of doing good.

4. For the money left which is designated to sponsor care-giver to participate this conference, the committee has decided to buy 44 sets of conference DVD to give to the care-giver or social organization that couldn’t make it for the conference by visiting or posting to them.

5. By end of this year, conference chairman will appoint regional promote & contact persons. He will visit them by gathering them at 7 different areas next year to update them about the progress of implementation of the creative strategies that are launched during conference, entrust them to promote “Care in Unity” vest/T-shirt, conference messages collection and conference DVD for sale.

6. The 3 creative strategies that were launched during the conference receive good responses from the audience.

6.1 7979 Holistic Care Station
Many church pastors have invited HISTEAM to share this caring model in their church, so far we have confirmed 7 churches’ invitation. Other brothers and sisters who have attended this conference also promise to share this model with their church pastors and leaders. God also grants us many resources that we need. These include a candidate who is potential to become our staff in launching this ministry, a brother who agreed to help us to design and develop website, a brother will help us promote 7979 ministry through the web, a sister who is willing to help us to design “Care in unity” vest/T-shirt. Besides that, a brother agreed to sponsor air ticket for 2 staff to receive training in Taiwan after hearing our ministry and needs.

6.2 Restaurant Gospel Fellowship
A pastor who has attended this conference, agreed to help in preaching to the workers in restaurant during their gathering in the midnight once a month. A sister from Jubilee Initiative is incharged of this ministry. With the help of Rev Foo Moy Peng, they have contacted many restaurants, in which 6 restaurants welcome them to share gospel with them (most of the workers there are Myanmarese, some are Chinese Myanmarese) and set up 2 cell groups among the 6 restaurants. There are 2 churches lending their premises for these fellowships to meet at 11.30pm. The Myanmarese does not understand our dialect, but God has prepared us 2 Myanmarese pastors who will partnership with us to serve this group of Myanmarese migrants.

6.3 Operation Christmas Child
For the past one year, representative from Samaritan Purse, Rev Bill Klear has been working hard to share and network some local vision holders to form a national leadership team in the coming year so that they can carry out the ministry of Operation Christmas Child. Rev Bill Klear has shared carefully in Mandarin about this movement of distributing gifts from faraway to poverty-stricken kids through local churches in the conference. Prayerfully the Chinese churches are willing to share the love and good news of Jesus by giving out Christmas gifts to the largest unreached group in Malaysia. This new ministry will be implemented in Malaysia when the national leadership team is formed in 2011.